Connect Wallet

The Web3Inbox app is coming. WalletConnect gives developers the tools to build secure, interactive, and powerful experiences that users everywhere can enjoy. Plug into the …

Connect Wallet - How to Use Wallet Connect

WalletConnect is an open-source protocol that allows you to connect and interact with decentralized applications (DApps) using your mobile wallet. Below is a general guide on how to use WalletConnect:

Using WalletConnect with a DApp:

  1. Choose a DApp: Select a decentralized application that supports WalletConnect. Many popular DApps in the Ethereum ecosystem, such as Uniswap, Compound, or Aave, integrate WalletConnect.

  2. Access the DApp: Open the DApp's website or application.

  3. Look for WalletConnect: Navigate to the settings, account, or wallet section of the DApp. Look for an option that says "Connect Wallet" or similar. Many DApps have a WalletConnect option alongside other wallet options.

  4. Select WalletConnect: Choose WalletConnect as your preferred method of connection.

  5. Scan the QR Code: The DApp will generate a QR code on your screen. Open your mobile wallet app that supports WalletConnect (e.g., Trust Wallet, MetaMask Mobile), and look for the option to scan a QR code.

  6. Scan the QR Code with Your Mobile Wallet: Use your mobile wallet's QR code scanner to scan the QR code displayed on the DApp. This establishes a secure connection between your wallet and the DApp.

  7. Approve Connection: Your mobile wallet will prompt you to approve the connection. Confirm the connection on your wallet app.

  8. Connected: Once the connection is established, you are now connected to the DApp using WalletConnect. You can now interact with the DApp, such as making transactions or interacting with smart contracts.

Last updated